Vue JS 3 & Firebase – Full Guide 2022

Vue JS 3 & Firebase – Full Guide 2022

Vue JS 3 & Firebase – Full Guide 2022

Then, make a real-life Vue JS 3 app with Firestore, and it will work! (Firebase). Learn about Vuex, Composition, and the new Vue JS 3 ideas.

What you’ll learn

Vue JS 3 & Firebase – Full Guide [2022]

  • Vue JS 3 and Firebase help you make real-world web apps.
  • The best way to learn Vue JS is to use it.
  • Use what you’ve learned to make your own apps.
  • In the field of mobile app development, you can start your own business.
Vue JS 3 & Firebase


  • Basic knowledge of Javascript


Video games like Pokemon and Mario use Vue JS. It’s a great time to add it to your CV because it’s becoming more and more popular.

When you finish this course, you’ll be able to use Vue JS on your projects!

There’s no matter what level of experience you have with Vue JS, or whether you want to learn more. This course is for you! You Can also learn Build a simple forum in PHP and MySQL


Firebase is a service that gives you a real-time database and backend. In this service, app developers can use an API to make their apps sync up with each other and store their data on Firebase’s cloud.

Vue JS 3 & Firebase – Full Guide [2022]

In this class, we’re going to work on a project that will look great on your resume.

Our first project will be called Exchangario, and we’ll learn how to make it. The main goal of this app is to trade services and products.

We’ll start with the basics of the Vue JS framework, and then we’ll learn more about it. We will start with the first pages, set up routes, and style them correctly. You Can also learn Laravel Forum – Build a Forum with Laravel 2021

There is a lot to learn about firebase authentication after the first part. I’ll show you how to log in and sign up for Firebase, so you can use it. After the user has logged in, we will show our application with changes that only people who have been approved can see.

The main idea of this app is to trade goods. We will make a page where people can trade services or products of any kind. Some of the things we’ll do: You’ll see the exchange on the Home page after it’s done. It will also be available to other people who use the site. I will show you how to use the popular Vuelidate package to make sure that your forms are correct.

Later, we will be making it easier for people to trade things with each other. Exchanges are made available to users, and they can accept or reject them. Every person who is logged in can make a counter-offer for a trade. They can do this by offering their own exchange. The system must accept the exchange if it has the same or similar value as the one we are using.

In the next part, we’ll work on pagination and search features.

We’ll talk about security rules for Firestore in the last part of this tutorial. Finally, we’ll put our app on Heroku so you can show it to your friends and family.

There are 20 hours of on-screen instruction, so it doesn’t matter whether you want to start your own company or improve your programming skills. You should take this class.

Who this course is for:

  • Beginners and experts who want to learn how to build websites with Vue JS can come to this event.
    People who want to learn how to grow.
    You should take this class to learn about making apps. It is for anyone who wants to learn how to make one from scratch.

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